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The Best Templates For Open Access Journals - Tutorial To Create An Open Access Journal


It's 1996. Only recently were HTML and HTTP developed. Internet usage is only now beginning to increase.

People still don't feel entirely at ease reading from computers. In this setting, picture beginning a web-only open access journal.

Sound difficult? David J. Solomon, the first man to ever write an open access journal, accomplished this with his peer-reviewed, open access, electronic publication in health professional education, Medical Education Online.

Launching an open access (OA) journal was obviously challenging back then, but it is only slightly less so now.

This post will go over the necessities you, as a prospective publisher, will need to take care of in order to start your magazine.

And we also provide the best templates for open access journals.

What is an Open Access Journal? | Academic Publishing

Lay The Foundation

Choose A Niche

There is no academic or commercial logic in starting an open access journal when there is already a lot of competition.

Choose a topic that is not currently covered by any journals or that does not have an electronic equivalent. In essence, identify a gap and fill it.

Create A Content Strategy.

After determining the journal's particular topic, go on to your content approach.

What sort of stuff are you going to release?

Will you include editorials, book reviews, interviews, conference proceedings, or just research articles?

Establish An Editorial Board.

One of the first things you should do is start looking for editors for your open access publication.

They must to be experts in their domains or at the very least well-known and respected figures.

The most important indicator of a new online publication is a robust editorial board.

It provides legitimacy and plays a crucial role in luring submissions and reviewers.

Here Are Some Pointers To Get You Going

Speak with eminent academics in your subject firsthand. Create your ideal editorial and advisory board, then get in touch with everyone on it.

When forming her advisory board, Karina Quinn, the founder of the open access (OA) journal writing from Below, advises.

If there is an academic in your field whose work you respect, approach them.

Start with a small group of board members who can then suggest further board members, and these additional people can then suggest additional board members, and so on.

Speak with the departmental professors at your university, seek for recommendations, and tell as many people as you can about the issue your publication is attempting to address.

It should be simpler for you to get influential people to say yes if you've done a good job with the niche and your open access publication actually fills a gap or addresses a significant unmet need.


Specify the frequency at which your open access (OA) journal will be published. Initially, when obtaining high-quality submissions is more challenging, publish fewer issues two or four a year.

The quality and quantity of submissions you receive will rise as your reputation grows over time, and you can then raise the frequency.


A journal's start-up and maintenance costs might be high. To keep costs to a minimum, many open access publications employ a committed group of volunteers and efficient operations.

You can generate finances and revenues to expand your magazine through article processing fees, membership fees, donations, collaborations, institutional funding, sponsorships, and advertising.

Technical Specifications

To obtain an ISSN number for your magazine, you must apply to an ISSN provider in your nation.

You will normally receive your allotted number in two months or less. The ISSN number is simple to obtain at no cost and is crucial for your journal's marketing efforts.

Additionally, you ought to give your articles DOIs. Articles are identified by special strings called DOIs. Even if the journal closes, they make sure that articles are always accessible.

With OJS, a journal management system we shall discuss later in this article, DOIs are simple to assign.

The DOI website lists the registration organizations, and registration can take up to three months.

Public library in switzerland
Public library in switzerland

Conduct Research

Avoid jumping in first. Explore the many tools and resources that are now available to you to aid in the launch of your open access journal.

Make sure you are making informed judgments at every stage of the route by consulting the library at your institution, other publishers, or online publisher organizations, reading instruction manuals, and conducting online research.

The fact that you are reading this post indicates that you are headed in the correct direction in this regard.

Organizational Structure

Assemble A Team

To keep your diary running, you'll require labor. Consider the roles you will have to play.

To keep costs down, the majority of small, brand-new open access journals are often run by the chief editor and a group of volunteers.

Establish A Workflow

Without a productive workflow, endless delays and mistakes will plague your journal. Create a workflow from the very beginning.

This process map should be thorough and include information on who on your team will do what, when, and how.

The following items must be defined in advance:

The protocol you employ will depend on the topic of your journal (style guidelines, standards, regulations, templates, etc.).

Some of the most popular ones include ACS, APA, Chicago, and MLA.

Timeline overall (including frequency, request for contributions, and ensuing schedule):

  • It will take some time for your journal to start receiving high-caliber research papers when it is first starting out.
  • You can get enough submissions with a biannual or quarterly schedule to release your first issues on time.
  • Setting a deadline for reviewers to provide their comments on the papers is necessary for the peer review process. In the part after this, we'll cover peer review in greater detail.

Editorial Schedule

After articles are accepted, they go through typesetting, copyediting, and proofreading procedures.

Although it can be done in-house, typesetting is typically outsourced and takes a few days to a week per article. Consider that as well.

The publishing and distribution procedure must account for both PDF and HTML conversion if your open access (OA) journal will only be available online.

In order to increase article visibility in search results and Google Scholar, you should also convert your articles to JATS XML.

Due to printing and offline distribution, print timelines will be extended.

It is a fantastic approach to organize your process.

  • Quality Guidelines and Peer Review
  • Quality standards are determined by peer evaluation.

However, in your author guidelines, make sure you consistently stress quality, research technique, ethics, and significant findings.

Peer review is a must for any respectable open access journal, it should go without saying.

A minimum of two reviewers should conduct double-blind peer reviews on each manuscript.

Editors should exercise caution and incorporate more seasoned reviewers in the mix because new reviewers have a tendency to be more generous.

Peer review is notorious for taking longer than expected, therefore it's crucial to have a clear schedule with deadlines and a grace period for late reviewers.

The prompt handling of the peer review procedure demonstrates the journal's regard for the author's work, increasing the likelihood that they will submit again.

But assembling a group of reviewers is no simple process. One strategy to expand your reviewer network is to directly contact qualified researchers, invite potential reviewers to contact you via your website, and ask current members for recommendations.

Marketing And Design

Design and marketing are typically put on hold when publishers launch a new open access publication. However, these are crucial components of any journal's performance and must to be taken care of right once.

  • The many design elements consist of:
  • The typeset style and format rules
  • Journal layout (Web and Print versions)
  • Web page layout

Design Of Marketing Materials

You can either outsource the designing or hire someone full-time. The impression your journal makes will be better the more professionally it is presented.

Your marketing strategy will be based on who your target market is, but the absolute necessities are as follows:

A Website

Once again, this can be done internally or externally. Several OJS plugins are useful in this situation.

You'll need your ISSN and DOI for indexing. The articles in your open access journal will be more easily found if they are indexed.

Create and publish article XML to ensure that Google Scholar and other search engines can find your content.

Direct Marketing In Some Form

To start off, you'll need to engage in some sort of direct marketing to draw submissions. Direct email, Listservs, announcement lists, etc. are a few examples.

Young woman looking for a book in a library
Young woman looking for a book in a library

The Best Templates For Open Access Journals

Here, we offer a variety of templates for academic journals that will automatically prepare your submissions into the format necessary for submission to that journal.

You can now submit your article directly to a variety of journals and other editorial and review services via the publish option in the editor because of the relationships we're forming within the publishing community.


One Page Parallax Template for Business, Corporate, Agency, Nonprofit, Freelancer, Portfolio, or Any Type of General Business, Open is a great option. Activate HTML5 Template


The layout is sleek and contemporary, simple to use and totally responsive, attractive, and easy to understand.

The main focus of the topic is to showcase research professionals' offerings and their labs, which can be utilized by scientists or medical researchers.

It includes specific sites such as Company Profile, Why Choose Us?, Research, testing, and everything else needed to properly develop a website, including specialized service pages that will meet your service requirements.


Leblix theme is totally responsive, extremely adaptable, and designed with laboratories and science research experts in mind.

The main focus of the topic is to showcase research professionals' offerings and their labs, which can be utilized by scientists or medical researchers.

With the choice of your desired preview, its cutting-edge theme setup wizard and demo process engine can have your site ready in just five minutes.

Additionally, we use the very functional and quick Elementor Page Builder, which has won numerous awards.


Laboratory, Research, BioResearch, Pharmaceutical, Medical, Pathology, Data Science, Physical Research and Innovation Center, Medical product development, IT Security, and all types of research laboratory related services/businesses websites can be built using the clean, contemporary, and responsive design of Labpeak.


Laboratory & Research Aculia The WordPress theme was created specifically for laboratory and research services of all kinds.

The Aculia template features a lovely and distinctive design that is ideal for your online presence. It has been tested on all popular portable devices and has a 100% responsive design.

The elements you need for your online presence are included with this theme, including a blog, testimonials, journal, events, and description pages.

You should consider Aculia for your web presence. Trying to launch your company's website? Aculia is the finest option.


A WordPress theme for labs, scientific or medical research, biological or chemical laboratories, pharmacies, or other similar industries is called NovaLab.

This WordPress theme was created after careful consideration of the actual demands and profiles of lab and research businesses.

This WordPress theme has 4 homepages with unique designs and well created inner pages.


13+ pre-built templates with completely responsive, simple, and theme-customizable designs are available in Cure.

Health research, medical laboratories, chemistry or biology departments, and any other type of commercial lab can use Cure.

This is not a theme for WordPress. Page content for the Elementor page builder is included in the Elementor Kit.

Although other themes that support Elementor can be used with this kit, it has been optimized for usage with the free Hello Elementor theme.

Three scientists looking a tablet
Three scientists looking a tablet

People Also Ask

What Is An Example Of An Open Access Journal Source?

PLOS (Public Library of Science) and Open Acces Publishing London (OAPL) are two instances of Gold OA and Silver OA.

For a price, hybrid journals give writers the choice to make their articles open access. Hybrid journals are still mostly paid publications, but some articles can be read for free.

You can visit the last website with just a click here and start readingtheir articles in medicine, history or sociology.

What Makes A Journal Open Access?

When there are no financial, legal, or technical barriers to accessing a publication that is, when anyone can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search for and search within the information, use it in education, or use it in any other way that is permitted by the agreements that publication is said to be open access.

What Is The Difference Between Regular Journal And Open Access Journal?

When it comes to subscription journals, people or organizations must pay a subscription fee in order to access the journal's content. Open access journals do not charge their readers.

They can view the content for free online. Peer reviews for high-caliber open access publications are rigorous.

Should I Publish in an Open Access Journal?


Publications that are open access (OA) have fewer permission requirements and no purchase costs for readers.

Without a subscription, OA enables access for academics, journalists, policymakers, instructors, and the general public.

Numerous studies show that OA material receives more citations than publications that need a subscription.

The following are things to think about before choosing to write for or serve as an editor for an open access publication. Therefore, starting one is a wise decision.

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