• HTML Templates

What Is Gradient Generator2 And How To Create Gradient Using PHP?


Gradients, an essential and simple technique in web design, allow for a seamless transition from one color to the next.

Because of the limits imposed by the usage of graphics, dynamic templates frequently cause issues. Color customisation is possible with dynamic templates to meet the end-user's preferences.

You may quickly change the colors of your CSS files with gradient generator2 PHPby adding PHP to them. This isn't always the case with more complex templates. String literals are merely one part of a CSS design. Rather than browsers or web servers, this category includes images made in tools like PhotoShop.

When it comes to gradients, limiting template alternatives due to the cost, time, or effort required to create the image is no longer an option.

Assume you give users the option of customizing their profile colors. The background color of the header is #A0A0FF, while the navigation bar is #008000. But there's a catch: a gradient separates the header and navbar.

What Is Gradient Generator?

In a gradient, the change from one color to the next is gradual. Backgrounds, banners, and buttons can all benefit from this gradient.

The ability to create gradients using a variety of different coding languages like gradient generator2 PHP, and platforms is key to this project. Then there's the option to download a gradient image as well.

What are the four types of gradients?

There are 5 varieties of gradients in the following categories: Linear, Radial, Angle, Reflected, and Diamond. Besides that, you can change the opacity, the color, and 28 different modes, such as Diffusion, Multiply, Screen, and Color Burn.

To top it all off, you have a plethora of ways to play around with gradients, including layer effects, masking, textures, and a slew of others. It should be noted that bitmaps cannot be used with gradients.

Color Gradient Generator In PHP

Using PHP GD Image Functions to customize photos allows you to insert copyright information, add text, resize, and do a range of other things. The prevalence of images generated in flat hues, on the other hand, is striking. Despite the current trend of "Flat Design," a minor gradient would be excellent. The majority of people do not want to or believe that setting up gradients is too complex.

The function gets the color values by using HTML Hex Codes and then converting them to an array of RGB values. It's easier to pass a six-character string as a parameter to a function than it is to pass two arrays as parameters.

Keep these reminders in mind when constructing a vertical linear gradient between two colors in PHP:

  • Verify whether the values for Rectangle Positions are positive.
  • Create an RGB array from the hex color codes for both the End and the Start.
  • Determine how many steps the gradient will take. End Y positions minus the beginning positions.
  • Each row is looped through once for each of the predetermined Y positions.
  • RGB arrays are converted to the new color for each row of the gradient.
  • Seize only one hue (red for instance). Then subtract that red value (0-255) from the starting red color minus the ending red color, and so on. It is then multiplied by the number of rows you are currently on to get the total number of steps. A quick way to express this is $red - ($red - $red2) / ($steps) * $position).
  • It is your job to convert the red, green, and blue values into their corresponding colors.
  • For each row, create a single height rectangle with the color you just created and then loop once more.

Quick 2-Color CSS3 Gradient Generator

Step 1: Fill out the form below with your gradient's starting and ending colors.

Step 2: The following images demonstrate three different types of gradients. The code next to the style you like can be pasted anywhere in your stylesheet where a gradient is required. Any class or id can be substituted for ".mygradienttop," ".mygradientleft," or ".mygradientradial."

  • Top to Bottom

.mygradienttop {

background-color: #f5eeeb;

background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%,

from(#9b847a), to(#f5eeeb));

background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #9b847a 0%,

#f5eeeb 100%); }

  • Left to Right

.mygradientleft {

background-color: #f5eeeb;

background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left center, right center, from(#9b847a), to(#f5eeeb));

background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #9b847a 0%,

#f5eeeb 100%); }

  • Radial

.mygradientradial {

background-color: #f5eeeb;

background: -webkit-gradient(radial, 50% 50%, 0, 50%

50%, 100, from(#9b847a), to(#f5eeeb));

background: -moz-radial-gradient(50% 50%, farthest- side, #9b847a, #f5eeeb);



In gradient generator2php, creating a customized gradient from scratch is harder than you think. I hope this article gives you insight about gradient generators in PHP.

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