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HTML5 Quick Learning Guide - Future Of Website Development


HTML5 quick learning guide- HTML5 is a language for making websites that has been used since the early 2000s. It has slowly been getting more and more popular, and now most web developers use it.

The goal of HTML5 is to make it easier for all devices like PCs, phones, tablets, and TVs, to show web pages better. HTML5 also has a number of new features that make building websites easier than ever.

We will talk about what HTML5 is and how to use it in this article.

History Of HTML

HTML is the language that most web pages are written in. It is not a programming language, but it uses some tags that are used in programming languages. HTML5 is the latest version of HTML, and it has a lot of new features that weren't in earlier versions, like better support for graphics, multimedia, and video.

Tim Berners-Lee made HTML in the 1990s as a way for people to share information over the internet. It was made to be easy to learn and write so that web pages could be made by people who didn't know anything about computers.

The first version of HTML came out in 1991. In 1995, a new version came out with more features, like tables and framesets.

Simple And New Way Of HTML5

An HTML5 logo
An HTML5 logo

The way HTML 5 is written works with both HTML4 and XHTML1. Want to use a slash to close off empty elements? Just do it. Not at all? Don't do it. Want to use small letters? Upper case? You can choose. In other words, you don't have to change how you deal with these things, so don't worry.

HTML doctype is much simpler:

New way: <!doctype html>

Old ways: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" or <DOCTYPE gtml PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

Meta charset tag is much simpler:

New way: <meta charset="UTF-8">

Old way: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

HTML5 has new structural elements that help define parts of the document. Instead of being used for structure, divs are now used for style. It is much easier to use than the HTML ones you were using before.

Common Structural Elements

  • <footer>
  • <aside>
  • <article>
  • <section>
  • <nav>
  • <header>

Even though these look like "positions" in a document and are often used that way, they are really about grouping, not positioning. On a page, you might have 3 sections, and each section might have its own header and footer. (Note that these elements, such as classes, can be used more than once on a page.)

But to keep things simple for this document, let's just think of a very simple document with a header at the top, a navigation menu, a content section with a few articles, a sidebar, and a footer.

You probably would have used divs, classes, and ids in HTML4 or XHTML to group each of these areas together. You should still use divs, classes, and ids for styling, but they might not be as important for structure as they used to be. Some documents might not need them at all, but most probably will still need them for styling. But again, let's keep this really simple so that we can quickly learn how to make a simple HTML5 document.

Here's a simple way to code an HTML5 document with a header at the top, a navigation menu, a section with a couple of articles, a sidebar, and a footer.

HTML5 Examples

HTML5's new features include things like semantic tags, media tags (for audio and video), Canvas, SVG, Geolocation, Web Storages, and more.

What Are The Advantages Of HTML5?

HTML5 is better than its predecessors in many ways, such as:

  • It works better on phones than older versions of HTML.
  • It can be used on any device with a modern web browser and is more flexible than older versions of HTML.
  • It has offline storage and caching, so users can get to content even when they aren't connected to the internet.
  • It makes it easy to add multimedia files like videos, audio files, and other files to a webpage without using plugins or other software.
  • It gives developers new ways to get geolocation data from a user's browser or device.

HTML5 Examples For Beginners

HTML5 Tutorial For Beginners - part 1 of 6 - Getting Started

People Also Ask

How Do You Know If You Have HTML5?

Check the doctype at the very top of the page in the source code view to see if it is HTML5 or 4.01. Responsive (HTML5): Current code: Open one of your webpages in your browser (IE, Chrome, Edge, or Safari) and make the browser about 320 pixels wide.

What Makes HTML5 Different From HTML?

An HTML logo on the left side and an HTML5 logo on the right side
An HTML logo on the left side and an HTML5 logo on the right side

The main language used to make web pages is HTML, which stands for "hypertext markup language." HTML5 is a new version of HTML that uses markup language and Internet technologies to add new features. HTML doesn't support video and sound in its language. HTML5 can handle both audio and video.

How Do I Enable HTML5 In Microsoft Edge?

In the address bar, type edge:/extensions. VMware Horizon HTML5 Redirection Extension is added to the list of Extensions. The VMware HTML5 Multimedia Redirection icon appears in the upper-right corner of the Microsoft Edge (Chromium) browser window after you install the extension.

How Do I Download HTML5 Player?

Before you begin, please get the software for free and install it on your PC.

  • Open the downloader for videos. Start the HTML5 video downloader, click Downloader, and then click the + New Download button.
  • Copy and paste the URL for the HTML5 video and look at it.
  • Choose the size and format that you want.
  • Get the HTML5 video all at once.


This quick-learning guide about HTML5 will help you make your life easier and less stressful. It is the future of website development. The new and simpler ways that HTML5 offers make it the best version of all HTML versions that have existed.

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